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Laptops 4 Learning Awards 100 Laptops to Recipients at the Wrightson Ridge Elementary School

On Tuesday, January 31st, Laptops 4 Learning (L4L) distributed 100 laptop computers to students at the Wrightson Ridge Elementary School in Sahuarita, Arizona. Sahuarita is located 15 miles south of Tucson just below the Tohono O’odham Nation. Wrightson Ridge Elementary School is designated as a Class ‘A’ Arizona school by the Arizona Dept. of Education - meaning it is a school which meets the highest achievement level in teaching language, math, and science.

L4L was happy to donate the laptops to 100 worthy students and fulfill our goal of providing the tools which are an integral and essential part in today’s educational experience. L4L strives, in collaboration with our donors, to conquer the digital divide which prevents many students from attaining their full potential. T o quote Manuel Valenzuela, Superintendent of the Sahuarita Unified School District, “The basic technology of today, such as a laptop or tablet, is an integral part of school and learning. Your work is helping to enrich the opportunities for all children to receive a high quality education.“

We couldn’t agree more. Congratulations Wrightson Ridge students!

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